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Kyner og Co

Huge selection of door handle from Swedish SIBES


Sibes Metall AB is a family owned business. The company is beautifully situated in the small village Siggebo in Gnosjö municipality. The company Sibes Metall AB was created in 1964 after the founder's Severin Soderberg's son Betil Soderberg took over the factory. Sibes Metall AB grew over the years and in the early 70s began an expansion through exports to Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland.


In the 1980s, exports expanded further to include Britain, Germany, Italy and the United States. Today Sibes Metall AB has a staff of 10 employees and a turnover of around 11 million SEK.

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VillaHus profile: Remodeling & residential design | houzz


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